Zero-Performance-Night – 2015

Martin Gropius Bau

Performance “Fragen an das Licht“ [Questions to the Light] and “Beating Time” by Ari Benjamin Meyers

 For the Zero Performance Night at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, which enhanced the Zero exhibition taking place at that time, we had developed the performance “Fragen an das Licht,” based on the physical principles of light. Inspired by the group’s light-kinetic works and the idea to redefine light and space, the choir performed on the gallery of the Martin-Gropius-Bau while the audience was listening in the lower area of the building. In addition, we integrated the group’s text “Wie alt ist das Licht?” [How old is the light?]. The performance took place twice: at 10 pm at night, and at 6 am in the morning to wake the museum visitors who had been allowed to spend the night at the Martin-Gropius-Bau – which was particularly magical.

 How old is the light?

Where does the light come from?

Who was the first to see the light?

Who was the last to see the light?

 Ari Benjamin Meyer’s “Beating Time” implemented the term “Zero” by having the choir conduct, instead of sing, in unison for 20 minutes. Virtually a choir of conductors that was conducting the place and the time.